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Dragon Slippers

Dragon Slippers - Jessica Day George Do you ever read a book by a "new-to-you" author and think, "where has this person been all my life?!" Well, that is how I felt about Jessica Day George as I read Dragon Slippers. I have seen reviews of her more recent titles but wasn't really driven to pick them up (who knows why?), and now I can't wait to get my hands on every book she's ever written. Imagine my excitement when I discovered there are actually sequels to this book, as well!Yes, that's just how much I enjoyed Dragon Slippers. It is definitely one of my favorite reads so far this year--perhaps even since I have been reading. I honestly loved everything about this story: the characters, the plot, the dialogues, the fictional world George created... I actually finished this book a few days ago but have really been savoring it mentally before writing this review. Lately I have felt my reviews have become stagnant and I haven't always felt inspired when I write them, but this one just poured right out of me. Jessica Day George has really taken the meaning of fairytale, dusted it off, and given it a new shine. There were so many scenes and quips that made me smile or laugh out loud, making this book a true pleasure to simply get lost in. Indeed, just reading the excerpt on the back cover was enough to tell me I was going to enjoy reading Dragon Slippers.I often compare how I enjoy books now to how I might have reacted to them when I was younger, and this is one of those books that I know I would have read over and over again. Maybe I just didn't have as much exposure to the right books when I was a young reader growing up, but I often feel that the selection today is quite a bit richer than it was when I was little. Thank goodness I can still appreciate wonderful books such as this one even now, and I imagine I will for the rest of my life. If anything I've said in this review has given you cause to think you might like to pick this book up, trust me, you definitely want to and should grab a copy as soon as you possibly can.