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Hourglass (Evernight, #3)

Hourglass - Claudia Gray For me, the Evernight series is a prime example of a series that improves with each book. I liked the first book, as I mentioned in that review, but wasn't blown away by it. Stargazer definitely drew me into the storyline further, but with Hourglass I didn't want to put the book down. Needless to say, I was pleased when I realized there will be yet another book in this series!I think the greatest strength in Gray's books is her characters, whether they are large or small. Some of my favorite characters (Vic and Ranulf) are rather inconsequential to the story in Hourglass, but they provide some much-needed comic relief and personality. Charity, who was more prominent in the first book, makes a strong return in Hourglass and proves that she is a force to be reckoned with. And of course, Bianca and Lucas' relationship continues to bloom, but will it survive all the obstacles that they face?If you have read some of my other reviews of series, you will know that I love a good cliffhanger... and the occasional plot twist. We have both in Hourglass, but my biggest concern is that I really hope everything doesn't get wrapped up too cleanly with too pretty a bow in the fourth book. I can even live with a not-so-happy ending... I just hate it when everything works out so well when it doesn't seem possible. Have I intrigued you enough, yet? Piqued your interest? Seriously, if you have been reading this series, I definitely recommend picking up Hourglass. I think you will enjoy seeing the story grow as Gray has grown with writing it. And if you missed it, please be sure to check out my interview with Claudia Gray as part of her blog tour. All the other participating sites are also listed so you can visit them, as well!